Friday, January 17, 2014

That's the way you do it...

I aimed low and finished my goal early.  So new goal:  15,000 words by Sunday, January 19.  1000 words on Saturday, 1000 words on Sunday.  Easy-Peasy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yeah, that'd be great...

Well it took me until today to get those 10,000 words.  Don't know how powerful they are.  Now, new goal.  13,000 words by Friday.  No....Monday.  13,000 words by 1/20.  Aim low.

Friday, January 10, 2014


Just putting it out to the universe that as of tomorrow, 1/11/14, I will have 10,000 words done on my WIP.  Good words too, powerful, funny and interesting words.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy January 6th?

Well this is the new year.  I met absolutely none of my goals last year.  I started working on a two books-but didn't finish and don't care to.

So THIS year I will finish the thing I'm working on now.  I will read more.  So two goals.  Read more, finish what I started.

We'll see.